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The Soul Reason
Volumes 1, 2, and 3

The Soul Reason series is a compilation of wisdom from the Akashic Records, with powerful and grounded guidance on what it means to be a soul living in this world. Liz seamlessly blends the spiritual with the psychological, providing practical insight to life.


Volume 1 outlines what it means to be a soul having a human experience. Discover what the perspective of the Akashic Records has to help you understand your journey as a human.


Volume 2 explores the soulful nature of relationships, providing a powerful perspective on how interacting with others is all part of our individual and collective soul growth.


Volume 3 covers creating your soulful life, including work, play, and home life. How can you express who you truly are out in the world?

Shamanic Journeying:
Discover the Unseen World

Shamanic journeying is the primary tool used by practitioners for centuries to connect with the spiritual dimension of life. This tool is accessible for everyone, and can greatly deepen and broaden your understanding of yourself and the world.

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NATURE: Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes

Dave is honored to be a co-author of the book NATURE, the third in the Common Sentience series. It provides a collection of wisdom, stories, and tips about the connecting with and healing with the support of nature.

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The Inspired Being
Card Reading Journal

This Card Reader Jounral is perfect for any Oracle or Tarot reader (beginning to advanced) who would like to keep record of their spiritual growth, personal discovery and card reading skill development!

Over 200 pages and 8 different card spreads to work with. Available only on Amazon!

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